
Anti-Estrogen & Aromatase Inhibitor
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Works Well With

EstroEx™ Anti-Estrogen & Aromatase Inhibitor

• Lowers estrogen levels
• Renders aromatase enzyme inactive
• Boosts natural testosterone production
• Prevents side effects like gyno & testicular atrophy
• Reduces water retention
• 100% vegetarian safe capsules

EstroEx Conquers Estrogen
Bodybuilders and strength athletes are well aware that the female hormone
estrogen can seriously harm their attempts to build muscle and strength. Estrogen MUST be kept under control or some pretty undesirable conditions may arise in the body.

The Problems With Estrogen
Higher than normal estrogen levels can lead to several physiological problems. First, excess estrogen cause a condition called gynecomastia (gyno). Gynecomastia is the growth of hard nodular breast tissue under the nipple. This condition can greatly diminish the cosmetic appearance of pectoral muscles.

High estrogen levels can also cause excessive sodium and water retention. This will result in a bloated, puffy appearance in your muscles. All of this can be avoided by lowering estrogen levels.

The worst side effect of higher than normal estrogen levels occurs when the excess estrogen sends a signal to the hypothalamus to shut down production of GnRH, a hormone that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone. When luteinizing hormone is shut down a signal is sent to the testicles to stop production of testosterone, and perhaps even atrophies your testes. Obviously it is desirable to avoid this condition.

Estrogen Control
There are many compounds available that can control estrogen levels. While these compounds are somewhat effective in keeping estrogen levels in check, they can result in a reduction of IGF-1 production and an increase in sex hormone binding globulin production. These are both undesirable side effects.

Then there are aromatase inhibitors that work by blocking the production of estrogen in the body by binding to the enzyme aromatase. Aromatase inhibitors are more desirable than estrogen receptor blockers because they function as true anti-estrogens and do not share the undesirable estrogen agonist activity mentioned above.

Is There An All Natural Aromatase Inhibitor?
The answer is yes and its name is EstroEx. EstroEx binds to the aromatase enzyme and renders it inactive. This diminishes aromatase enzyme activity in the body and results in a substantial reduction in estrogen levels. The added bonus of an increase in testosterone production also occurs.

It is important to note that when you stop taking EstroEx your aromatase enzyme level will return to normal and you will get back to full estrogen production.

Why You Should Use EstroEx?
There are three cases when EstroEx should be used.

1.) While taking prohormones or advanced muscle-building supplements. By taking EstroEx during your prohormone or advanced muscle-building cycles, you will avoid the problems of gynecomastia, excess water retention and the shut down of GnRH production.

2.) After a cycle of prohormones or advanced muscle-building supplements. By taking EstroEx after your prohormone or advanced muscle-building supplement cycle, you will jump-start your natural testicular testosterone production.

3.) Anytime you want a substantial increase in natural testosterone production, even if you are not taking prohormones or advanced muscle-building supplements. EstroEx is a very safe and effective alternative to prohormones and advanced muscle-building supplements.

How To Take EstroEx
Each bottle of EstroEx contains 60 capsules. We suggest you take one to four capsules daily. If you take only one capsule daily, take it before bedtime. If you take more than one capsule daily, spread the intake of capsules throughout the day as much as possible, with one capsule always being taken before bedtime.

You can get great results by taking as little as one capsule daily. Or, for maximum results, use EstroEx in our 15-Week EstroEx Pyramid Cycle. The 15-Week EstroEx Pyramid Cycle limits receptor downgrade, helps you keep your gains when you stop taking EstroEx, plus you save money compared to what you would pay if you bought the bottles individually.

Also, for even better results, consider trying our 8-Week Natural Testosterone Boosting Stack, our 10-Week Advanced Muscle-Building Stack, or our 6-Week Muscle Growth Stack all of which contain EstroEx.

Finally, if you want to take the ultimate stack that House Of Muscle has to offer, EstroEx plays an integral role in our best-selling stack of all time, the 15-Week Sward's Stack! This stack combines the testosterone-boosting effects of 8,11,13-Abietatriene and EstroEx with the muscle-building effects of 17-Methyl-dione Extreme and HICA-C. It is the perfect combination of 4 of our highly effective products and it is sure to help you reach your goals!


supplement facts

Serving Size: 1 capsule
Servings Per Bottle: 60

Active Ingredients: calcium (as calcium d glucarate) 12mg, 5,7-dihydroxyflavone 200mg, calcium d glucarate 100mg, DIM (diindolylmethane) 100mg.

Inactive Ingredients: maltodextrin, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, water.

UPC Bar Code # 094922965646
suggested use

As a dietary supplement take one to four capsules daily. If you take more than one capsule daily, spread the intake of capsules throughout the day as much as possible, with one capsule always being taken before bedtime.

Or, for maximum results, use EstroEx in our 15-Week EstroEx Pyramid Cycle.

Also, for even better results, consider trying our 8-Week Natural Testosterone Boosting Stack, our 10-Week Advanced Muscle-Building Stack, or our 6-Week Muscle Growth Stack all of which contain EstroEx.

Finally, if you want to take the ultimate stack that House Of Muscle has to offer, EstroEx plays an integral role in our best-selling stack of all time, the 15-Week Sward's Stack!