Recently, Joel was inducted into David Horne's World of Grip, Grip Hall Of Fame.
He is accompanied by other well known strongmen, such as his old training partner Dave Ostlund (3rd place finisher in 2008 World's Strongest Man), Brian Shaw (the current World's Strongest Man) and known grip monster Mark Felix.
In light of this, here are some of Joel's impressive displays of world class grip strength.
1. Two 45s Pinch
Think you have a strong grip? Take two 45lb plates, set them up next to each other, with the smooth side facing out, then pinch them and lift them up -- with one hand of course.
Joel pinched two 45lb plates on December 13, 2003 in Stillwater, MN at 10:30 AM (CST).

2. Thomas Inch Dumbbell Farmer's Walk
The Thomas Inch Dumbbell is 175lbs, has a 2.5" diameter smooth handle and has two big bells on each end. This is one tough dumbbell to lift and most guys can't even get it off the ground. The problem is the handle is very thick and you really need a strong grip to lift one.
One day, while training with a few friends, Joel decided to pick one up in each hand and go for a walk. He farmer's walked (from a full deadlift) with a Thomas Inch Dumbbell in each hand for 48.8 feet.
This feat performed by Joel stirred up some real buzz and garnered Joel quite a bit of respect from the grip community. European Gripboard Mash Monster, Nick McKinless, called Joel's Thomas Inch Dumbbell Farmer's Walk, "One of the greatest grip feats of all time.".
Witnesses included Matt Makousky, Brian Carlton, Alex DiMarco, Mark Lundquist, Chris Munger, Jeff Bissonnette and David Ostlund.
3. Millennium Dumbbell Attempt
The Millennium Dumbbell is the king of all dumbbells. It weighs 238lbs and has a 2 3/8" diameter handle. It is one tough mother to get off the ground and only a few men have ever lifted one off the ground with one hand. Joel is one of them.
Before competing in the Snowman Strongman Challenge in Urbana, IL in 2004 Joel got some air under the Millennium Dumbbell.
Witnesses included David Ostlund, Sam McMahon, Joe Roark, Kirk Nowack & Kevin Nowack.
These amazing feats of strength are great to revisit and Joel's induction into The Grip Hall Of Fame is a deserving honor. Congratulations Joel!