Bill Kazmaier is 6'3" and his weight ranged from 275 lbs as a younger lifter to around 330 lbs as he gained mass and peaked his strength and physique later in his career. Some sources report Kaz weighing as much as 350 lbs. He was and still is a mountain of a man. Kaz went on to have one of the most successful powerlifting and strongman careers of all time.
Let's first look at some amazing facts from Bill's legendary powerlifting career. In Kaz's first national powerlifting meet, he squatted 782 lbs, bench pressed 534 lbs and deadlifted 804 lbs in the 275 lbs weight class. He was only 24 for that competition.
The next year, at age 25, Bill won the IPF World Championships and set a new world record in the bench press of 622 lbs. He would continue to push his bench press higher and higher, until he became the first man ever to bench press 300kg, 661 lbs, in 1981. At this meet in Georgia, Bill also squatted 926 lbs and deadlifted 838 lbs. The squat was done with a very primitive squat suit and the bench and deadlift were done raw. His personal best, mammoth 3-lift total of 2,425 lbs at this meet was unsurpassed for over 10 years.

Bill Kazmaier was not only a dominant physical force, but he was a very focused and mentally strong individual. He is credited with the mantra of "Conceive, Believe, Achieve", which illustrates his emphasis on mental toughness and preparation before a contest. During the 1982 WSM contest, Kazmaier had won the first three events and was interviewed mid-contest. In this interview, Kaz stated, "I am the strongest man who ever lived." Kaz beleieved he was the strongest man ever and he put those beliefs on display in his numerous dominant powerlifting and strongman contests.

Those are just a few incredible accomplishments completed by the strength legend Bill Kazmaier, possibly the strongest man to ever live. Kaz now lives in Alaska. He works closely with a few companies doing speaking engagements and attending expos to continue to be involved in the world of strength.
Hopefully you can take some of Kaz's incredible accomplishments and use them as inspiration to fuel your efforts.
Train Hard!